- Specify the UDC number in accordance with the classifier (in the upper left corner of the article).
- FULL NAME. author (s), place of work (study) of the author (s) in Russian and English.
- The title of the article is in Russian and English.
- Abstract of the article (from 3 to 6 sentences) in Russian and English.
- Keywords of the article (5-10 words) in Russian and English.
The text of the paper with up to 15 pages should be typed in the text editor Word 2003 or 2007 (Times New Roman set, size 14, line spacing 1, paragraph indent 1 cm) and saved in RTF or DOC format. The margins of the page are 2 cm from each edge.
Formulas should be executed only in the built-in Microsoft Word formula editor (Math Ture 5.0, Equation Editor). Formulas must be typed in font (the main size of the symbol is 14 pt) and numbered, if they are referenced, on the right in parentheses. The length of the formula together with the number should not exceed 10 cm.
Figures in JPEG or TIFF formats and diagrams saved in MS Excel format are provided in separate files and in the text of the article. All figures (illustrations) must be sequentially numbered, have the signatures. Text must have the links to the figures and tables.
The quoted literature and sources are listed at the end of the article according to the reference numeration, not alphabetically (they are made in accordance with GOST R 7.0.5- 2008). References to the literature are given in the text in square brackets.
Conference reports will be published by the beginning of the conference.
The conference will be attended by representatives of 3 VAK publications. The most significant works of the participants will be published in these publications.