First name
If payment is to be made from a private person - indicate a private person
Academic Degree
Topic of report
Participation dates
Form of participation
The program of historical and cultural events
(21.09.2018 estimated time of events from 8:00 to 20:00)
The administration reserves the right to redistribute the participants of the conference on excursion programs
Registration fee is 17 700, 00 rub. (including VAT 2 700,00 rub.)
The program of historical and cultural events
(21.09.2018 estimated time of events from 8:00 to 20:00)
The administration reserves the right to redistribute the participants of the conference on excursion programs
Registration fee is 7 080, 00 rub. (including VAT 1 080,00 rub.)
Pounds marked with * are paid additionally in the amount of 2 500,00 rub. (including VAT 381.36 rub.)
Registration fee is 7 080, 00 rub. (including VAT 270,00 rub.)
Registration fee is 3 540, 00 rub. (including VAT 540,00 rub.)